The Beyond is a powerful and thought-provoking show that explores the concept of what may await us after death. The program begins with the peaceful and serene melody of 3 Gymnopédies: No. 1 by Erik Satie, setting the stage for contemplation and reflection. We are then taken on a musical journey with the hauntingly beautiful "Who Wants to Live Forever" by Queen, "Palladio" by Karl Jenkins, and Symphony No. 2 in C minor Resurrection by Gustav Mahler. The combination of these pieces invites us to consider the possibility of an afterlife and what it might entail.The show continues with the dreamy and ethereal sounds of "Dreamland" by Glass Animals, complementing the introspective mood of the show. We return to the emotional impact of "Who Wants to Live Forever" by Queen, as we delve deeper into the idea of what happens beyond our earthly existence.The show concludes with a reprise of Symphony No. 2 in C minor Resurrection, providing a fitting and emotional conclusion to the program. And once again, we are reminded of the question posed by the earlier Queen piece: Who wants to live forever? A poignant reminder that while we may never know what truly awaits us beyond this life, we should make the most of the time we have now.
Percussion Available Separately:
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